September Short Report

Grace and Peace to you friends.

Today, I wanted to illustrate for you the difference that having outside support can make for a congregation while they are trying to grow to maturity. Our brother Yuseph surveryed the congregations in his area and brought back these results from the first half of 2020.

Congregations with regular outside support:

  • Ushirombo: 11 baptisms and 7 restorations

  • Lulembela: 14 baptisms and 5 restorations

  • Ibambula: 11 baptisms and 2 restorations

  • Kazibizyo: 10 baptisms and 3 restorations

Congregations with no regular outside support:

  • Imalamagigo: 4 baptisms and 2 restorations

  • Kahama: 1 baptism and 0 restorations

  • Mganza: 0 baptisms or restorations

  • Karoro: 0 baptisms or restorations

Of course, the goal is for all of these congregations to eventually be self-supporting (and we do have a plan for that), but you can see how much of a head start is made possible when their brethren from other parts of the kingdom partner with them. I want to thank you for being a partner in Tanzania Missions. Whether you're helping through prayer, financial contributions, campaign participation, or all of the above, we're glad to have you as part of the team!

Would you like to know more about ways you can help? Would you like an in-person visit to your congregation? Let me know!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions


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