Short Report 1/18
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I hope this note finds you and your loved ones well. Even though things are getting chilly in the US, below the equator it is summer time! That means summer camps! Here in the description from Charles Mwanga about the recent camps hosted at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching:
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverb 22:6). This is a direct command from the Lord, sometimes people tend to take it as an opinion but that is not what the Lord intended it to be. If we want a better family, society, Church and even nation, we ought to follow this command accordingly. That’s why here at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching we have the following:
"FUTURE PREACHER TRAINING CAMP: This is the camp hosted and conducted by the staff of ACSOP for the purpose of helping young people to grow to the full ability of teaching and preaching the word of God. This camp has trained for years numberless youth who are now in schools, universities and even jobs out there but are helping their congregations on teaching and preaching. This past year we have had a privilege to host 55 campers who were taught how to become an effective preacher through the theme, “WHAT DOES THE CHURCH NEED?” They were instructed on how the Church needs: The Bible, Jesus, Godly youth, Sound Preachers, A vision for the future, and so many other topics which helped the youth to see the important of sticking only to the Bible and not fables or modernism. The youth did a very good work in this camp, please join us in praying for them as they continue with this fire which has been started in them.
"TANZANIA CHRISTIAN CAMP: This is another way which ACSOP is helping the Church here to “train up a child.” This year we had 122 campers from around the Arusha area. This camp includes both boys and girls from the age of 13 years to 24 years. In this camp we taught them about the importance of the “SPIRITUAL HEALTH,” This included: Spiritual Healing, Proper Spiritual Diet, Exercise Yourself Spiritually and Keep a Healthy Mind. Youth were strengthened and grew through the teachings presented by experienced teachers. We thank God for both men and women from the brotherhood who were willing to come and help in training up these kids, May the Lord of grace bless you beyond measure.
"From both of these camps we were able to baptize 15 souls! These are youth who have seen the truth of God’s word and decided to obey it. This could have not been possible if it was not through your support, prayers and love towards the people of East Africa especially Tanzania. We thank you so much. Many will one day be in heaven just because you chose to support this wonderful work. May the Lord continue to bless you in this new year so that you can continue to support His work. THANK YOU SO MUCH. To Him be all the glory both now and forever."
Would your congregation like to hear more about the work in Tanzania, and how they can be involved? I would love to come visit!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 1/4
Grace and Peace to you friends.
On behalf of the team at Tanzania Missions, I want to wish you a happy and prosperous new year! Last year brought a great many challenges that none of us anticipated, and we are hopeful for a return to normalcy this year. However, despite those challenges, God still did some great things in Tanzania. I want to give you a snapshot of some of those things.
The Andrew Connelly School of Preaching had 24 undergraduate students.
8 students successfully completed their bachelor's degrees
4 students earned a master's degree
239 lost souls were baptized for the remission of their sins (58 from student evangelism)
129 erring souls were restored
1 congregation rescued from vanishing
2 camps were hosted at ACSOP (Future Preacher Training Camp and Tanzania Christian Camp)
1 lectureship hosted (Tanzania Leadership Conference)
$6,000 raised for COVID relief in Tanzania
As you can see, the Lord has been at work in powerful ways in East Africa. Thank you for your encouragement and support during 2020. Join with me in praying for an even better 2021 for the Lord's work in Tanzania.
One great need that we have for this year is for more monthly supporters. With congregations suffering economically during this pandemic, some of our supporters have had to cut their support. Could you help us recover that support by adding Tanzania Missions to your monthly budget if it isn't already a part? Do you have anyone that you could recommend the work to? Let me know!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Recent Baptism at Moshi
Short Report 12/4
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I hope that this note finds you and your family doing well. We are happy to share with you that our 2020 school year at ACSOP has successfully been completed. When COVID first hit, we didn't know if this was going to be possible, but through God's providence we made it! Let me share with you the words of one of the school directors, Charles Mwanga:
“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: “who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that you have brought me this far? (2 Samuel 7:18) These are words of thanks giving spoken by King David as he is appreciating all that the Lord has done to him. The year 2020 has been nothing but “a year,” the world has been tested and tried in many ways on being COVID 19, everything was shut down at the beginning of the year and through God’s mercies and grace, we were able to open back and continue with our normal schedules, “WE THANK GOD SO MUCH.” One among many blessings was the school to return back to it’s normal scheduled. Due to this we were able to finish up our annual teaching schedule and yesterday we had our graduation.
"It was a great moment to witness students from Uganda, Kenya, USA and Tanzania finishing their studies here at Andrew Connally School of Preaching, both Arusha Bible School and Kilimanjaro Bible school also had their graduates present. It was a blessing to see students graduating for Master’s, Bachelor’s and Certificates in Biblical Studies. We thank God for these men and women who devoted their lives for two years to study God’s word. We pray that they will use the knowledge for the furtherance of the Kingdom. Many souls will one day be in heaven because of these people. This is something to THANK God for.
"We also thank God for all those who have given themselves so that these men can have a great time in school as they are studying God’s word. Your supports and prayers have been a great help to us. The school could have not been able to operate without your financial support. We know this are tough times but still you were ready to continue supporting this work (2 Corinthians 8:1-4), THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your labor is not in vain, the Lord Himself will bless you beyond measure.
"Please keep our graduates and the remaining students in your prayers as they are traveling back to their homes, pray for us also as we continue to work for Him here in Arusha. To God be all the glory both now and forever, Amen."
Let me add to Charles' words by mentioning that this graduation featured 4 students from Master's program, 8 students receiving their Bachelor's degrees, and 7 students have completed their train from the Arusha and Kilimanjaro Bible Schools. Great training is happening on all different levels to bless the Lord's kingdom in East Africa.
As you are preparing your budgets for 2021, we request that you consider adding Tanzania Missions to the list of works that you support if you don't already. If you are a current supporter, then we hope that you will continue that support in the new year. If you are interested in receiving a presentation about the work, then I would love to visit with you! Just reach out to me at so we can coordinate the visit.
Let's continue to pray together for God to bless this important work!
Short Report 11/6
Grace and Peace to you friends.
Ready for a distraction from all of the election chaos? Let me share with you some news from the Lord's work in Tanzania. This will be much more pleasant to think about! Recently I've heard news of at least 19 baptisms and 17 restorations from our brothers in Tanzania. That's the kind of counting that is edifying to do! Some of those baptisms came at the brand new congregation in the Mesarani village. For those of you who have visited Tanzania, Mesarani is the area where the Snake Park is. The Kisongo church has helped to plant this new congregation, and their members have been making weekly efforts at evangelizing this neighboring community.
Meanwhile, the students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching continue their studies. The first-year students are just finishing up a course on the Intertestimental Period, that 400-year period of scriptural silence after the close of the Old Testament that forms the background and setting for the events of the New Testament. Next door, the second-year students are wrapping up a course on The Preacher's Work, which is a very practical study that plays an important role in preparing an effective evangelist. Speaking of students, let's turn our spotlight to let you meet one of our second-year students who will be graduating soon:
Student Spotlight - Isaya Fredy Mwainyekule
Isaya was raised in a family from a charismatic denomination. From the Kyusa tribe, he was one of seven children in his family. An ACSOP alumnus taught Isaya the gospel in 2012, and forever changed his life. Now Isaya dreams of being a church planter as he serves God with the rest of his days.
Here's what Isaya wants to say to you, "Knowing the pure doctrine was my dream, and now it has been fulfilled. So I really thank all who support this school from the deepest part of my heart, and I pray that God will continue to fill you, with spiritual and physical blessings according to His will."
I join Isaya in being thankful to all of you who give of your resources and through your prayers to make the mission work in Tanzania possible. If you would like to hear an in-person report about the work, then reply to this email and let me know. I would love to come and visit your congregation!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 10/19
Grace and Peace to you friends.
This trip to Tanzania has been a wonderful experience. We had the pleasure of spending time in many homes of our dear Tanzanian brethren. Those who follow me on Facebook had your feed flooded with pictures from these cherished experiences! An important part of this trip was also to help Noel and Jessica Stafford in their survey of the work. They are hoping to move to Tanzania to help with the work at some point next year. They are excited about the possibilities and will begin fundraising immediately. I encourage you to prayerfully consider helping them.
(Daniel Gaines, Noel and Jessica Stafford)
Exciting progress continues to be made on construction of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership. Windows are installed, and the painting is complete. Check out the beautiful floor in the hallway!
We are happy to welcome our newest student, Christopher Carter. Chris is a Bear Valley student who is finishing his senior year at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. This is the first time that we have been able to host an American student who came to Tanzania specifically to train with us. This should be a great experience for Chris and for his classmates as he graduates with us.
One of our biggest events of the year is the Tanzania Leadership Conference, hosted at ACSOP. For an update on that, here is a message from Charles Mwanga:
"“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18), The scripture is encouraging us as Christians not to think that what we are passing through now is greater than the present to come. That’s why in our conference these year, we decided to come with topic which will be encouraging both individual Christians and the Church in general to “STAY TRUE TO GOD IN CHALLENGING TIMES.” Since the world has been tried through many hard situations, it is very easy for a Christian to loose “COURAGE,” Our conference was focusing on equipping the Saints with tools as to how they can stay Faithful to God even during the hard times.
"We thank God for the opportunity to serve in His Kingdom, as we all know many countries have been defeated to continue with their regular schedules both spiritually and physically, Here in Tanzania things have been different, We have been blessed to host our conference as usual. We had the average of 187 participants, 21 topics presented and various experienced teachers from both America and East Africa. We thank God for using us as a vessel to build up His Kingdom.
"We are back to our normal teaching schedule, both in our English and Swahili classes. We thank God for may brethren who are striving day and night to make sure that our school continue to exist. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
"We thank you all for your prayers and support even during this trying times. We have seen true love abiding in you. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours beyond measure.
"Thank you for all that you mean and do in His Kingdom."
Enjoy some images from TLC at the bottom of this email.
We also want to thank a sweet group of Ladies from the Mt. Juliet Congregation, who generously made 769 masks to send to Tanzania. We distributed these at the Tanzania Leadership Conference to anyone who wanted some to take back to their congregations or families across East Africa. People lined up to eagerly receive them, especially interested in the children's sizes for school.
If you would like an in-person visit to hear more about the work, then I would love to come. Also, can you recommend this work to a friend or another congregation? Referrals are a great way to help. As always, the most important thing that we need for you to do is PRAY for this important work on a regular basis!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 10/2
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I hope that this note finds you and your loved ones well. After some delays and misadventures (I was forced to spend 48 hours in the Amsterdam airport because of weather delays, so now I can tell you where all of the best chairs are!), I am finally safe and sound in Tanzania.
The past week was spent primarily in studying the book of Revelation with the 2nd year students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. It was gratifying to see them respond to the message of hope and victory on those pages. Our God is truly awesome, and it is an immense privilege just to have the opportunity to serve Him!
Today, Noel Stafford and I are heading out to do some personal evangelism. Evangelists here have told me of 8 baptisms and 15 restorations recently. The door stands open here!
There is so much more to share, so I'll write again soon. In the meantime, please keep the work here in your prayers. Also, let me know if you would like for me to visit with your congregation in person about the Lord's work in East Africa.
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
A recent baptism at Usa River
I got to meet baby Josiah!
September Short Report
Grace and Peace to you friends.
Today, I wanted to illustrate for you the difference that having outside support can make for a congregation while they are trying to grow to maturity. Our brother Yuseph surveryed the congregations in his area and brought back these results from the first half of 2020.
Congregations with regular outside support:
Ushirombo: 11 baptisms and 7 restorations
Lulembela: 14 baptisms and 5 restorations
Ibambula: 11 baptisms and 2 restorations
Kazibizyo: 10 baptisms and 3 restorations
Congregations with no regular outside support:
Imalamagigo: 4 baptisms and 2 restorations
Kahama: 1 baptism and 0 restorations
Mganza: 0 baptisms or restorations
Karoro: 0 baptisms or restorations
Of course, the goal is for all of these congregations to eventually be self-supporting (and we do have a plan for that), but you can see how much of a head start is made possible when their brethren from other parts of the kingdom partner with them. I want to thank you for being a partner in Tanzania Missions. Whether you're helping through prayer, financial contributions, campaign participation, or all of the above, we're glad to have you as part of the team!
Would you like to know more about ways you can help? Would you like an in-person visit to your congregation? Let me know!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 8/6
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I want to start out with a big "thank you!" to Renee Galloway for providing new uniforms for the Andrew Connally School of Preaching students, faculty, and staff. It was a huge job, but they look great!
I also want to update you on the progress being made on the Cy Stafford Leadership School. This was Cy's last dream for the work and it is thrilling to see it nearing completion. It is going to be a huge blessing to the church in East Africa! It should result in more and better elders, deacons, and other church leaders for congregations across the region. It also paves the way for a significantly upgraded library to be shared with the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. The exterior is mostly done now and the next need is for doors. We need about $4,500 to pay for the purchase and installation of all of the doors throughout the building. Would you like to help with that? You can donate online here or send a check to:
3248 LORNA RD.
HOOVER, AL 35216
Make sure to put "TZ - Stafford Leadership School" in the memo line.
Jerry Bates just returned to the US after teaching a short-course in our graduate program. This is the first time an American has been able to visit the work since the COVID-19 outbreak. This marks an encouraging step in the return to normalcy. We thank God for Jerry's safe travel and effective service.
If your congregation would like a visit or you can refer me to a friend at another congregation that might be open to helping, then I would love to hear from you! In the meantime, keep praying with me for the church in East Africa.
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 7/21
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I'd like to share with you some words from Charles Mwanga at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching:
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God..” (Rom. 8:28). Though this has been a hard and trying year, but still God is in control and blesses His people. I would like to take this opportunity first to that the Almighty God for His love and care, and secondly to thank you brethren for your prayers, love and support. Thank you so much.
"We (the Churches in Arusha area), would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your love and care. We received funds for COVID relief and those have been able to minister more than 600 souls with food. We thank you so much, life is still hard since the financial situation is getting worse everyday but through your love, many have been blessed. May the Lord bless you all beyond measure.
We (ACSOP) have been blessed so much, to the point of returning back to our regular annual schedule. COVID 19 has changed plans for many this year, but we thank God that we were able to resume our classes and stay on the schedule so far. Our students are back, (except one from Uganda, their borders are still closed) and classes are going on well. We have 17 students in the first year class and six in the second year class. Lord willing we will have our regular schedule and our graduation will be on the same dates as planned from the beginning of the year. We thank you so much.
"Leadership school: The construction is going on well, we were able to put the roof on, put metal bars in the windows, and now are working on plastering the whole building. We would like to thank all the donors and supporters who are helping the work here to be present even after we have all long gone (If Christ is not back yet). These types of investments will help the school to be able to serve the Church in East Africa in a better way. We will be able to host many seminars and campaigns in these facilities. Thank you so much for all that you do to us, and the Lord’s church in general. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours daily.
"Please let us keep praying for one another during these trying times."
As you can see, there are a lot of exciting things going on in the Tanzania work! As congregations begin in-person services again, I am looking to refill my calendar with presentations to churches about this great work. If your congregation (or another one that you are familiar with) would like a visit, then I would love to make it happen. Let me know, and I'll get you on my schedule!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Changing Oversight
Grace and peace to you friends and brethren,
I have a very exciting announcement to share with you today. After reading it, please contact me with any questions or comments that you might have. Also, let me know if you would like for me to visit with you or your congregation in person about the work.
In Christ,
Daniel Gaines
An important announcement regarding Tanzania Missions:
The elders of the Bear Valley church of Christ and the administration of the Bear Valley Bible Institute are excited to announce a transition of Tanzania Missions (formerly known as TZ2000) and the Andrew Connally School of Preaching to the oversight of the elders of the Hoover church of Christ near Birmingham, Alabama.
The Bear Valley Bible Institute will continue to operate the school of preaching per the request of the elders of the Hoover congregation. We are excited to team up with our brethren at Hoover to maximize the good work being done in Arusha and throughout East Africa.
Beginning August 1, all support should be sent and made payable to:
Hoover church of Christ
3248 Lorna Road
Hoover, AL 35216
As always we are grateful for your prayers and support of this fine work.
Serving Him,
Donnie Bates for the Bear Valley elders
Denny Petrillo, President, Bear Valley Bible Institute
From the Hoover Church of Christ:
For many years now the Hoover Church of Christ has loved the Lord’s work and people in Tanzania, and we have been privileged to work alongside our brothers and sisters associated with the Bear Valley Church of Christ. After taking our first trip to Tanzania in 2007, our congregation made visiting Tanzania a priority each year since then. During those thirteen years, we have worshiped with and been encouraged by so many Tanzanians.
We have also become quite familiar with the work that Bear Valley does in Tanzania and in other parts of the world—particularly through their establishment of and leadership in their preaching schools. We have full confidence in the faithfulness of Bear Valley and the good work that they have done and are continuing to do.
As we assume oversight of the work in northern Tanzania, we know that we are just building on the foundation that others by God’s grace have already established. We truly are standing on the shoulders of giants. Continued partnerships with brothers and sisters in Tanzania, as well as throughout the United States are vital to the ongoing success of this work.
A crucial part of this transition is Bear Valley’s interest in continuing to be involved in the work in Tanzania as they provide the curriculum and instruction in the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Because they have been involved in schools of preaching for years and have an unrivaled level of expertise—and because of their unquestioned loyalty to the cause of Christ—we eagerly join hands with them in this good work. We trust their faithfulness to Jesus Christ, their commitment to training preachers, and their willingness to work with us in Tanzania.
We are fully committed to seeing the Tanzanian work continue to grow and prosper. As the population in East Africa continues to boom, we envision millions of souls there that need to be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This mission is as important now as ever!
We hope that you will continue to support God’s work there. You have our promise of our full engagement in the work and dedication to ongoing faithfulness. We look forward to remaining partners with you for years to come.
Please pray that God will bless this transition with his grace, and that he will empower us to continue with the faithful work that began in Tanzania so many years ago.
Thank you for your faithfulness and for your love of Jesus and His church. May God continue to bless you in every way.
Till all have heard!
The Hoover leadership
Short Report 6/5
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I hope that you are well despite these challenging times. Today I'm glad to be able to bring you positive news. The Tanzania government is allowing schools to resume, and the Andrew Connally School of Preaching is all set to bring our students back at the beginning of July. They will have time to finish their second quarter of study, and be right back on track for the fall! Travel has opened back up, and I have tickets purchased for my next trip. We pray that conditions remain stable and that there will not be any more significant disruptions to our schedule.
The work of evangelism has marched on. In the past couple of weeks, our brethren have shared news of at least 11 baptisms. One of which was Anthony Francis. Anthony was a student of World Video Bible School. They contacted us to find a local evangelist to help teach Anthony further. I reached out to David Bayi who continued working with Anthony, and recently baptized him into Christ. The picture above shows this joyous event!
Student Spotlight: Shadrack Mkombwe.
Shadrack was born to Efrem and Franziska Mkombwe on August 25, 1987 in the village of Isimani in the Iringa region. Together with his wife, Mariam, he has one child, Samuel. He has been a member of the Lord's church since 2011 and came to ACSOP in search of a better understanding of God's word. After he completes his studies, Shadrack hopes to go back to his home congregation to preach and teach.
Shadrack wanted to tell you this:
"I would like to thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I also thank all the donors for the donation you are making for this School. We know for sure that without you I could not have an ability to afford the expenses of get this education. May the God of love bless you so much, and we still keep on praying for you."
Let me join with Shadrack in thanking you for your support and prayers. Also, as your congregation begins to have assemblies again, let me know if you would like an in-person visit and presentation about the great work in Tanzania. I am happy to make that happen!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
COVID Relief for Tanzania
Grace and peace to you friends.
Some of you may have been wondering about the situation being created by COVID-19 in Tanzania. You know it is creating hard times all over the globe. Travel and gathering restrictions are causing people not to be able to work, as people in America have become well familiar. However, some countries are not set up as well for telecommuting and government aid. Tanzania has had to essentially close its boarders and has prohibited all gatherings of more than 10 people. The exception to this restriction at this point is for church services. Churches are still allowed a one-hour gathering for worship only.
Between the health care system of a developing nation, and the fragile economy that will suffer devastation from protective shutdowns, there are hard times coming for many of our Tanzanian brothers and sisters. Things are hard everywhere, so I won't request much from you today. I'm asking you to consider a small additional gift of just $10 to buy food for some of the Tanzanian churches to distribute to needy individuals who have not been able to work due to COVID restrictions. If 100 of you send $10, then we'll be able to buy $1,000 worth of basic foods to help keep meals on the table for these families. Every penny collected in this drive will go towards relief for these congregations, whether we collect $100 or $10,000.
You can make your donation HERE.
Thank you friend. May God be with you.
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 4/7
Grace and Peace to you friends.
So much of our world is gripped in fear, and countless lives have been disrupted. People are confused about where they can go for help, or at least for accurate information about what's going on. At least one bible student in the Kioga area has been delaying the baptism that he needs because of his fear that COVID-19 might be waterborne. Fear is a powerful thing, and this current climate presents a great many challenges for us all to face.. However, there are also wonderful opportunities for the gospel. The evangelists that we work with in Tanzania have reported no less than 31 baptisms this month!
People need Jesus as much as ever, and the opportunities are there if our eyes are open to them. For example, our brother Kashumba went to Mwanza to teach an agriculture program that he does to help various communities. While there, the uncooperative weather extended his trip. So, of course, he used the extra rain-delay time for evangelism, baptizing 3 people. While he was at it, he helped establish a new congregation in the village of Kalebezo in the Sengerema district. That congregation is up to 10 members now, and is meeting in a member's home. You can see Kashumba and the new Christians in the picture below.
Sometimes I tell you about efforts that are being made to reach the children in various areas. This week a story from brother Yusuph illustrates why that matters. For the past year, a 5-year old little girl has been attending bible class at the Ushirombo church. The little girl continually invited her mother to come along with her. Finally, the mother acquiesced and has been attending worship for the past 3 months. I received word just the other day that this mother has now been baptized!
We pray that the Lord of harvest will continue to send great fruit, along with the reapers needed to do the work. Speaking of workers, let me close by sharing the spotlight with another one of our students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (BVBII-Arusha):
"I am Luka Lubange, student of ACSOP, second year. It is my prayers that God helps us to graduate at the end of this year. I was born in 1985 to a Christian family where both of my parents are members of the Lord’s church. My father’s name is Lusekelo Lubange,a Preacher at Chimala/Mbeya since 1986. I and my wife are members of Airport church of Christ in Mbeya Town. I have two children.
"The main reason for me to be trained to ACSOP is to get the knowledge of preaching and teaching the Bible to other people, so to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ (Mk 16:15-16;Matt.28:18-20). And I think this school provides the knowledge I need that comes from God.
"My goal after graduating is to go back to the congregation where I came from to preach the Gospel and to help the Mbeya Bible school which is under our congregation. In the Mbeya Bible school we provide God’s knowledge to all kind of people whether Christians or not, and it has only two teachers. So I will join with them to teach. I will do my best to work in God’s field with all my strength as God will grant to me.
"Thanks a lot to all sponsors who donate in this school. May God our Lord bless them so that they may continue contributing because in doing this they also fulfill the command of Jesus to spread the Gospel to every creature. Thank you very much and it is my prayer to God to live according to His law so that one day we may meet to heaven."
Let me join Luka in saying thank you for your support, your interest, and for your prayers. May God be with us all as we serve Him together.
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 3/4
Grace and Peace to you friends.
I hope that this note finds you well. Things are going well for the Lord's work in Tanzania. Churches that work with us reported 21 baptisms and 6 restorations in the short month of February. The picture with this note shows one of those baptisms at the Lerai congregation.
Also, a fresh crop of 24 preaching students have reported to the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (BVBII-Arusha) to replace the 20 that graduated at the end of last year. Providing for the training of these local men for a life of evangelism and service to the Lord is a tremendous thrill. It is exciting to think about how God will use each of them in the future!
In my last short report, I mentioned my daughter's Lads to Leaders project that she did to help a number of congregations in Tanzania. You can read the report that she submitted HERE if you would like more information about that project. As a proud Dad, I thought I would share it with you!
Now as I often do, I'll close with a student spotlight to help you get to know one of our fine students:
Student Spotlight: Justine Rwaha
Justine is a second year student who comes to us from a non-religious, polygamous family. He is the first-born child of his father's second wife. Justine and his wife, Happiness, have 6 children of their own.
In his own words, "I joined the ACSOP because I felt that it was the perfect school for me as I wanted to learn more about God, His word, His work and His ministry; in order to gain more knowledge and increase in some points my understanding of the word, for the purpose of helping myself, my house hold, my congregation, and wherever God will sent me to help the community."
When he graduates, Justine hopes to start a bible school and to plant new congregations. He wishes to pass along the message that, "I am very thankful to God for this institution, the way He is using His faithful men and women who are endlessly giving for us have this opportunity of getting the knowledge we need in this school."
We are thankful for students like Justine, and for supporters who make this work possible!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 2/8
Grace and Peace to you friends.
The past few weeks have been extremely eventful in our lives. My daughter, Abby, accompanied me on a road trip across Tanzania. Along with Phillip, Isaac, and Selena, we were able to visit 13 church meeting places and meet with representatives of 22 congregations. Even though it required about 56 exhausting hours in the truck, it was a great blessing to visit with these brethren. I had never been to most of these locations, so it was good for me to see their environments and hear about their needs and challenges. It also gave us the chance to discuss some important plans and strategies for the future of these congregations. These brethren received us enthusiastically. One even described it as his "dream come true" that we had visited. This speaks to their desire to feel like they are connected to the larger body of Christ rather than being isolated and unnoticed.
Abby had prepared children's bible school kits with a binder of material and some school supplies donated by the South Green Street Church of Christ. At each stop, she gave the kits to the local teachers and provided training in how to use the material. On several occasions, she was also able to demonstrate with the children of the congregation assembled for a special class. One teacher remarked, "I have been desperately searching for aids for bible class, and God has answered my prayers."
We got back to the USA just in time to head to Henderson, TN to represent Tanzania Missions at the Freed-Hardeman Lectures. It was a great week of networking and Bible study. It is encouraging to know that even in this wicked world, there are so many wonderful works going on!
Speaking of wonderful works, take a minute to look at this summary of what happened among all of Bear Valley's international schools last year. God is good every day.
Before I close, I do want to remind you that we have a tremendous need for more monthly supporters. Could you help? Could you refer us with a recommendation to someone else that might be in a position to help? I would love to come and visit with you in person about the amazing things that God is doing in East Africa!
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions
Short Report 1/14
Grace and peace to you friends.
2020 has started out with very abundant rains in Tanzania. Rain is a blessing, but I think my Tanzanian brethren are ready for a little break from that particular blessing! However, the weather didn't stop the church at Lerai from hosting their own campaign, with aid from their nearby sister congregations. The campaign resulted in 3 new souls being added to the church. We rejoice with the angels in heaven over these precious sheep.
In just a couple of days, I will be traveling to Tanzania, along with my daughter, Abby. We ask for your prayers for a safe journey and a productive visit. I'll fill you in on all the details of how it went when we return!
The Duncan family has announced their intention to move back to the USA at the end of March, after spending the past couple of years helping the farm at ACSOP and the church at Kisongo is many ways. We're grateful for their service and wish them the very best. Phillip is looking for an employment opportunity when he returns and would welcome any leads that you might have. Let's pray for a smooth transition for him and his family. Coming back home is a more difficult process than most people realize.
Student Spotlight: Emanuel Goliama
Today's student spotlight features class president, Emanuel Goliama. Emanuel has a wife and three children. He comes to us from the Dodoma region in Tanzania where he preached for the Miyuji congregation. His experiences with some ACSOP alumni convinced him to seek to further his education where they did. After graduating, he plans to continue preaching the gospel of Christ and standing for the truth.
Expressing gratitude in his own words, he wants to say: "As we are here in school we do not pay anything for the knowledge we get here. Further we get support for other needs. Most of time that support helps our family back home. I, myself, say thank you so much to everyone who does something to make sure we learn and go back home to the job of evangelism. You do a good thing. and mostly you give us a lesson of how to do in the church as Christians. So as you support us... (1) You push the gospel message to go on, (2) You build the kingdom of God, and (3) you obey the word of God. So thank you so much!"
Till all have heard,
Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions